Value Choice plan
Care without compromise
The Value Choice Plan delivers lower premiums and access to the care options large group employer members want — with added savings on SSM Health provider office visit copays.
How does it work? Members can take advantage of lower copays for Tier 1 copay benefit plan provider office visits.
Large group employer members still have the choice to access Tier 2 copay benefit plan provider office visits with copays similar to traditional HMO plans.
The Value Choice Plan is only available for large group employers and excludes HSA-eligible high deductible health plans. With the Value Choice Plan, Tier 1 copay benefit plan providers means lower health care costs of an integrated care network.
Dean Health Plan by Medica provides insurance coverage for its members, while SSM Health provides both inpatient and outpatient health care services. We all work together to provide the best possible care and service.
Large group employers who choose this unique tiered benefit plan receive access to a full provider network with low premiums and our full suite of wellness services. This means members have access to nutritional, mental, and physical health resources anytime with trusted partners included in their health insurance benefits.
Wellness services include:
- Customized employee-focused health promotion strategies
- Nutritional wellness resources
- WebMD wellness solutions and rewards
- Mental health resources
- Continually growing on-demand library of wellness content
The Value Choice Plan delivers a unique tiered benefit offering low premiums for you, access to a full provider network with lower copays for your employees, integrated care with SSM Health providers, and customized wellness solutions from our Health Promotions team and WebMD.
Value Choice locations
Tier 1 and Tier 2 provider services include primary care, specialty providers, optometry, urgent care and physical, occupational, and speech therapies. For a current list of all of our providers or in-network locations, visit our online directory. To talk to a member of our Member Services team, call 1-800-279-1301.