Monthly group billing

Employer looking at monthly premium bill

Premiums, invoices, grace periods & billing activity details

  • Keep your invoice as current as possible
  • Notify us of enrollment changes as soon as you can 
  • Make any additions or changes through the employer group portal


Dollar Icon    Paying your premium invoice

We offer you two options when paying your premium invoice:

  • Pay by check upon receipt of your premium invoice, which includes a reply envelope
  • Automatic withdrawal (ACH) from your group’s bank account

People Icon    Determining an employee’s rate

If your group’s rate is based on your employee’s age, please refer to the rate table received with your most current renewal or contact your account manager to determine the monthly premium rate for newly eligible employee. Rate changes may occur when an employee’s enrollment status changes or upon your renewal. 

When you call your account manager, you will need to have the following information:

  • Employee's birth date
  • Coverage type: single, family, employee & spouse or employee & child(ren)

If your group’s rate is based on enrollment coverage type, such as single or family, please refer to the rates provided to you for the current benefit period with your most current renewal. Your Account Manager will be able to assist with any questions regarding rates. 

Update Icon    Mid-month adjustments

If your group has an “End of Day” termination rule, coverage for an employee may end in the middle of a month. If the effective date or termination date is during the middle of the month, we will bill premiums as follows:

If the effective date is between the:

  • 1st and the 15th of the month, your group will be billed for one month of premium. 
  • 16th and the end of the month, your group will be billed for the next full month of coverage. Dean does not prorate premiums.

If the coverage end date (as stated in the Member Certificate) is between the: 

  • 1st and the 14th of the month, no premium will be billed for that month. 
  • 15th and the end of the month, your group will be billed for an entire month’s premium.

Report Icon    Discrepancy reports

Each monthly invoice reflects the current month’s billing activity and any balance brought forward. The invoice will not list details on any outstanding balances. Any changes – such as a new or terminated subscriber – will appear on the invoice if they completed the enrollment or termination process during the month.

If you have an overpayment or credit on your account or have an outstanding balance due that we are unable to reconcile you will receive a discrepancy report following a monthly payment reconciliation by the Enrollment and Billing department. We will continue to keep you informed of the status of any outstanding balances or discrepancies.