Marketplace plans

Health insurance affordability programs


Also referred to as the Exchange, Marketplace is a website ( where individuals can compare plans and purchase health insurance. Marketplace plans are great for individuals and families that are eligible for discounts or financial subsidies. These discounts may include:

Tax credits

Tax credits lower the monthly premium you pay for health coverage and are more available than ever due to the 2021 American Rescue Plan act. Depending on your household income level, these credits can pay for a considerable amount of your premium. You can use your tax credit on most Marketplace plans.

Cost-sharing reductions

  • Lower the amount you pay on health care services. 
  • Cost Sharing Reduction Plans are available for those who make about $31k or less for a single person.
  • Cost-sharing reduction is only available on silver plans.

There are three levels of cost sharing reduction based on income brackets:

  • 100–150 percent of FPL
  • 151–200 percent of FPL
  • 201–250 percent of FPL

Here are some guidelines for eligibility:

  • Individuals making $20,120 - $58,320 or more**
  • Family of two making $27,213 - $78,880 or more**
  • Family of three making $34,306 - $99,440 or more**
  • Family of four making $41,400 - $120,000 or more**

** All income ranges and financial help (advanced premium tax credit) qualifications are determined by Visit for more information.

We offer a variety of options for silver plans that are eligible for cost-sharing reduction plans.

See if you qualify for financial help.

Quality star ratings

Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) plans

Star rating

graphic of four star rating
Overall star rating
Overall star rating is based on the categories below
Member experience
Based on member satisfaction surveys about their health care, doctors, and ease of getting appointments and services
Medical care
Based on providers improving or maintaining the health of their patients with regular screenings, tests, vaccines, and condition monitoring
Plan administration
Based on how well a plan is run, including customer service, access to needed information, and providers ordering appropriate tests and treatment

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plans

Star rating

graphic of four star ratinggraphic of four star ratinggraphic of four star rating
Overall star rating
Overall star rating is based on the categories below
Member experience
Based on member satisfaction surveys about their health care, doctors, and ease of getting appointments and services
Medical care
Based on providers improving or maintaining the health of their patients with regular screenings, tests, vaccines, and condition monitoring
Plan administration
Based on how well a plan is run, including customer service, access to needed information, and providers ordering appropriate tests and treatment

Plan quality ratings and enrollee survey results are calculated by CMS using data provided by health plans in 2022. The ratings are being displayed for health plans for the 2024 plan year. Learn more about these ratings.