Understanding health care expenses

senior woman talking on the phone in her office

How insurance payments work

Your health plan is a contract between you and Dean Health Plan to pay for medical services. How much your insurer pays, and how much you pay will vary based on your plan. Typical plan costs can include a monthly premium that you pay each month to access your health insurance, as well as a system of cost-sharing that can include a copay, coinsurance, deductible or any combination of the three:

handbag with one two three

  1. Deductible is the amount you pay before your insurance covers any costs.
  2. Coinsurance is when you’ve met the deductible amount, and your insurance will start splitting the cost of additional medical care with you. You only pay a percentage or part of the total cost of services and insurance will pay the rest
  3. Copay is a fixed dollar amount for some care and prescriptions that you pay each time you visit an office or refill that prescription. These all add up to your maximum-out-of-pocket total, or the dollar limit to all your cost sharing.

Cost of Care

Knowing your care options before you need them saves you time and money. Learn more about the options for care, as well as associated costs