DeanCare Gold (Cost) members

DeanCare Gold offers comprehensive health care coverage and a network of providers you know and trust

Medicare Gold plan documents

Getting care

Dean Health Plan has partnered with Papa, a company that connects you with screened and trained Papa Pals. Pals provide assistance with organization, light housework, technology, and transportation. This includes:

  • Household tasks: Pals help around the house with light cleaning, laundry, cooking/meal prep, and taking care of pets.
  • Technology help: Pals teach members how to use a computer, smart phone, and tablet. Papa Pals can also assist with using social media, accessing a telehealth provider, and starting a video chat with loved ones.
  • Transportation: Pals assist members with transportation to doctor appointments, grocery/pharmacy, shopping, and other errands. Pals will pick members up at their homes, take members to the store or appointment, carry shopping bags, take members back home, and help carry bags into the home.
Papa Pals can support members either in their homes or virtually. Members are eligible for 5 hours per month of Papa services. Members can call Papa to enroll at 1-888-840-1609.

The Dean Health Plan WIN Program offers reimbursement to seniors who participate in numerous health-related activities—up to $100 per calendar year.

Learn about our wellness program

Sign up for WIN


We're here to help

Have questions about your DeanCare Gold Medicare insurance coverage? Contact Member Services at 1-888-422-3326 (TTY: 711). For DeanCare Gold information in alternate formats and languages, call Member Services. Weekdays 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. (year-round) and weekends (Oct. 1 - March 31).

Mailing Address:

Dean Health Plan
PO Box 56099
Madison, WI 53705