Pregnancy case management

pregnant couple hugging on couch together

Start of a beautiful journey

If you think you're pregnant, call your doctor today to schedule an appointment.

Pregnancy can be the start of a beautiful journey, an unexpected surprise, and even sometimes scary. As your baby grows and changes, so will you. We are with you on your journey to having a healthy pregnancy and baby.


Pregnancy case management is your connection to care and services needed to keep you and your baby healthy. Our program is for members who are pregnant or have recently delivered.

Through Pregnancy case management, we will:

  • Help you make healthy changes, like cutting back or quitting tobacco
  • Connect you with community resources and services to meet your individual needs
  • Find information on health education classes
  • Choose a doctor for you and your baby
  • Support you with breastfeeding and pumping
  • Screen for anxiety and depression or other mood disorders, and make referrals to appropriate services

You’ll also have access to:

  • A case manager that specializes in maternal care, who can provide case management services to help address your health-related questions or concerns 
  • A social worker who can assist with complex social needs and resources  
  • A case manager that specializes in pediatrics who can provide support before, during and after delivery, in the event your child is diagnosed with a complex condition. 
  • A team of nurses and social workers who will support you with substance use and mental health needs through our behavioral health program.
  • Pregnancy loss case management

Pregnancy loss

Pregnancy loss is devastating, no matter when it happens during the pregnancy or what the circumstances are. Along with physical symptoms, most women experience a wide range of emotions after pregnancy losses that include denial/disbelief, guilt, anger, depression, sadness, and confusion.

It is important to take good care of yourself and ask others for support. Give yourself plenty of time to grieve. If you have had a pregnancy loss, talk with your doctor or nurse for information to help you cope. 

For support from case management, contact us at 866-905-7430 or sign up below and one of our team members will contact you.